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Shaft Alignment Has Never Been Easier

SKF TKSA31 Shaft Alignment Tool in Action

SKF have announced the introduction of a new shaft alignment tool for easy laser alignment at an entry-level price. Developed for rotating machines in industrial applications, the TKSA 31 instrument helps to identify and correct shaft misalignments which can improve machinery uptime, reliability and lower maintenance costs. The TKSA 31 and previously announced TKSA 41 are sharing the same design, however, the TKSA 31 will have a lower price than its larger brother the TKSA 41. The smaller version has lower measurement flexibility and does not come with a camera function unlike the TKSA 41 which allows pictures to be added to alignment reports. Both tools are designed to make shaft alignment easy and intuitive, even for less experienced operators.

The TKSA 31 comprises of two measuring units with large detectors and bright lasers, reducing the need for pre-alignment and providing precise measurements, even in challenging conditions. The embedded soft-foot tool helps establish the basis for successful alignment. 

The TKSA 31’s LCD with touchscreen navigation makes alignment fast and simple, and measurements can be performed by using the well-known 9-12-3-o’clock positions with additional flexibility of 40 degrees around each. The tool’s live view supports intuitive measurements and facilitates horizontal and vertical machine position corrections. 

Because the instrument enables automatic measurements by detecting when the heads are in the correct position, operators can use both hands to rotate and hold the shafts in place. After each alignment, the TKSA 31 automatically generates a customized report with notes about the application, and each report can be exported as a PDF. The built-in machine library helps to organize alignment reports and provides an overview of all machines.