SKF Maintenance Product Training

Acorn Industrial Services Ltd and SKF have teamed up this week to help educate the Acorn team and their customers on the benefits of using SKF Maintenance Products.
The week-long event named ‘Mapro on the Go’ consists of a full range of Maintenance Product demonstrations that allow individuals to get hands on experience with the various products used for mounting and dis-mounting bearings, shaft and belt alignment, basic condition monitoring and lubrication.
SKF representatives arrived at their first stop at Acorn’s Headquarters in Rotherham on Monday and held a number of masterclasses with our UK and Export Sales Teams before traveling on to our Midlands branch where they held masterclasses and demonstrations for employees and customers. A number of Acorn’s valuable customers have also taken advantage of this unique event at their own premises.
SKF’s extensive engineering knowledge has enabled them to develop an efficient program of tools and methods that can help you achieve maximum service life from your bearings and reduce machinery downtime.
Over 60 % of bearing failures are happening prematurely, before the bearings have achieved the end of their maximum service life. Premature failure often happens due to incorrect mounting, maintenance or dismounting methods.
Approximately 16% of bearing failures are caused by poor fitting with maintenance personnel often being unaware of the availability of the correct fitting tools. Installations may require mechanical, hydraulic or heat application methods, and when done correctly this could make mounting easier, quicker and more cost-effective.
The largest cause of premature bearing failure is poor lubrication with over 36% of bearings failing due to incorrect specification and inadequate application of the lubricant, and inevitably, depriving the bearing of proper lubrication will result in the bearing failing long before its maximum service life. Manual lubrication maintenance may not always be suitable, that’s why SKF have a range of automatic lubricators ensuring optimum lubrication.
To learn more about premature bearing failure and other maintenance products, speak to an experienced technical specialists.