ACORN® Insight

Keep up-to-date on the latest product and company news, along with useful information for the maintenance, repair and overhaul industry.

Our insight tagged with 'maintenance'

Five steps to implementing a successful preventative maintenance program

Whatever industry you work in, downtime is a major obstacle. From loss of production to repair bills, the cost of downtime can be huge.

How can you tell if your bearings are counterfeit?

Counterfeit bearings can often be near impossible to identify, however there are measures you can take to you aren't the victim of these piracy products.

Featured App of the Month: NSK Calculation Tools for Cost Saving

Calculating the best bearings for your machinery and their maintenance costs can be laborious, but it can be easy to calculate and implement potential savings with the NSK Calculation Tool!

Extending the life of wire ropes in the marine industry

The marine industry is one the most challenging operating environments, with harsh sea conditions often leading to the rapid deterioration of machine components.

The portable solution to bearing heating

SKF has launched the new TWIM 15 portable induction heater, in replacement of the former TMBH 1 heater.

How to choose the right fitting tool for your bearing

Poor bearing fitting practices are responsible for around 16% of premature bearing failures, so it’s easy to see why the choice of method for bearing mounting is so important.

How can root cause failure analysis save money for your business?

There are many possible reasons why your bearing has failed, but the only true way of finding out the cause is by performing root cause analysis.

ACORN steals the show with asset management solutions

ACORN help one of Europe’s largest steel producers become more proactive thanks to the expert knowledge provided by ACORN’s own bearing & maintenance product expert.

5 ways to prevent premature bearing failure

From costly downtime to catastrophic machine failure: everyone knows the potential consequences of premature bearing failure. At ACORN, we want to help you avoid this.

Is your wind farm blowing out money?

The majority of wind turbines are expected to have a service life of over 20 years, meaning that breakdown is almost inevitable at some point during a turbine’s lifetime. The question is: how big an impact will any breakdown have on the business?


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